Europen Learning Partnership
European Women - Images of interaction
Trans-national meeting in Ulm
21st – 24th October 2004

Frauenakademie (Women’s Academy), Ulm, Germany
(Gesa Krauß and Gabriele Welke)

Organizers of all countries:
Natalia Fernandez, Ana Riva, Mireia Arrufat, Nora Garcia, Barcelona, Spain
Jill Parton and Anna O’Kane, Belfast, United Kingdom
Natalia Metunska and Monika Jozwiak, Warsaw, Poland
Mona Ditlevsen, Esbjerg, Denmark

planning of the women’s education conference in Barcelona in June 2005
organization of further meetings in the project’s third year
presentation of the travelling exhibition “Women in Progress”
change of the coordinating institution
communication and co-operation
allocation of responsibilities and financing
visit to the former partner institution tiffs in Tübingen

Supporting programme:
sightseeing in Ulm and Tübingen (guided city tour)
party with participants of the Frauenakademie Ulm
presentation of the Ulm workshop’s results on “Role Models”
(spring/summer 2004) and on the bi-national workshop “Palace of Women” (July 2004)


The international women’s education conference in Barcelona will take place on June 4th 2005. All participants and teachers of the partner organizations as well as further individuals or institutions interested in women’s education Europe-wide will be invited. In the morning participants of the different countries will talk in small groups about their experiences in women’s education. They will also draw up their ideas and demands for further development in European women’s education. Possibilities of introduction to one another will be given in the afternoon through common participation in creative workshops. In the evening a party will take place. All results of the conference will be passed on to those responsible for education in all countries as well as to the EU.

Presentation of the travelling exhibition “Women in Progress”:
Belfast February/March 2005
Warsaw April/May 2005
Barcelona June/July 2005

Further meetings:

workshops in Belfast (March 2005) and Warsaw (April 2005)

final meeting of the Learning Partnership following the women’s education conference in Barcelona

documentation/evaluation from tifs for the project’s first two years
flyer on the Learning Partnership, designed by the Belfast Institute for Higher and Further Education (BIFHE)
brochure with all results of the Learning Partnership 3 years, compiled by DAKINI, Warsaw
website of the Learning Partnership, completed and translated by the Frauenakademie, Ulm

The newly coordinating institution HEURA in Barcelona takes over the organization and documentation of the women’s education conference.